
Dolapo Martins

Dolapo Martins is a soul and high life singer, born in the 80’s. His birth name is Dolapo Martins. He’s from Lagos state. He’s of Christian faith, and the first child from a family of 2kids. 

He got some of his early influences from his dad, who played music. Other influences includes Ebenezer Obey, King Sunny Ade, and the likes .

Dolapo Martin’s sings most time in his local language with a western feel to it. Dolapo Martins believes music is a universal language and his music could be heard and appreciated in any part of the world. 

Does he also promise us a Grammy ? You never know, but first he will be trying to get across to the large population and growing music lovers and becoming an household name.

After dropping two singles a few years ago, Dolapo Martins took some time off to restrategize. He is back with covers of some of your favourite songs which will be released periodically just to warm the heart of the existing fan base and  hopefully win the heart of many others. 

You can catch Dolapo playing at Terra kulture, Bogobiri, freedom park, or any of your favourite live music assembly.